13th May 2023. Edition One. In this edition:
President's Report, BCCT eNews, Resident Action Saves Blue Gum,
Rotary Preloved Bookshop,
Your Civic Trust,
Local JP,
Epping Civic Trust,
Hornsby Council News Bulletin, City of Parramatta News Bulletin,
Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President Since
my last report, my wife, Louise and I had an amazing visit to India,
travelling from Delhi to Mumbai. It was a wonderful journey with many
wondrous sights including wild tigers and a sloth bear in one of the
national parks and, of course, the wonders of the Taj Mahal.
Shortly after my return, The Civic Trust held its annual general
meeting. As you may be aware our constitution allows for a committee to
be elected at this meeting and offices are then allocated at the
subsequent committee meeting.
The new Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust committee:
President Roderick Best
Vice Presidents Ross Walker
Bill Rankine
Treasurer Nina Mital
Secretary vacant
IT Co-ordinator Brian Shirley
Committee Tim Abrams
Janet Hayes
Glynn Rogers
Congratulations to all who were elected. Our thanks to Judith Dawes,
President of the Epping Civic Trust, who acted as returning
officer. Thanks also to Mayor Phillip Ruddock, Councillor Sreeni
Pillamarri and Steven Head, General Manager of Hornsby Shire Council,
who attended the meeting to update us and answer any questions.
As can be seen, not all positions were filled. Please consider joining the Committee by sending an email to president@bcct2119.com.au expressing your interest and informing us how you might contribute to meet the Trust's objectives.
Following the recent State election, the new Committee wrote to
the NSW government seeking a resolution of outstanding issues such as
the noise from the M2 motorway and the need to reform rules surrounding
the appointment of Private Certifiers of Development plans. We
also raised the issue of the funding for Byles Creek.
Several members of the Trust and I attended the Beecroft ANZAC Day
service and I laid a wreath on behalf of the Civic Trust. The
service was once again beautifully organised by Rotary. A truly
fantastic effort. The address was given by John Simpson and the
Australian and the New Zealand national anthems were beautifully sing by
Regina Shakya and Rose Fallance. Others contributed to make this a
most moving remembrance to those who served or sacrificed their lives
to secure our freedom. Hundreds of people were present and many people
spoke to me afterwards offering their praise for those who made this
such a fitting and memorable ceremony. I was deeply moved by the
whole event.
A few days later we applauded the recipients of the Rotary youth awards.
How absolutely amazing our young people are! Without a shred of bias I
can add that Mollie Holst (whose grandparents are neighbours of mine )
was a particularly well deserving recipient – as indeed were they all.
How exciting it is going to be as we watch what these young people
achieve in the years to come!
While on the topic of Rotary, don’t forget that the pop up pre-loved bookstore has re-emerged next to Three Beans Café, with new premises and new stock it is well worth a visit.
In a few days time, we will sadly be farewelling Con’s Delicatessen
after more than three decades of delighting us with a wide range of
delicacies. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his contribution to our
village life and the conviviality he helped provide to many social
Finally, I trust that everyone is appreciative of the return of the
glass sculpture at the entry to Beecroft Railway station, replacing the
one that was destroyed by senseless vandals. Seeing this sculpture once
again restored to its whimsical glory by Hornsby Shire Council is a
lovely thing.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust eNews. The
Trust publishes this monthly eNews newsletter. If you would like
to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the eNews.
Resident Action Saves Magnificent Blue Gum With
the support of Hornsby Council, Beecroft local residents recently
managed to prevent the loss of a large and healthy Sydney Blue Gum.
Overhead power lines were rubbing against the trunk of the Blue
Gum. Ausgrid was planning to remove the tree in order to protect
the power lines. Local residents and Council voiced persistent
objections to this planned tree removal.
With some lateral thinking Ausgrid simply shifted the powerline without
relocating the pole. Ausgrid attached horizontal metal brackets
about 350mm long to the two power poles and this moved the power lines
away from the tree.
This was a simple solution that is both better for the environment and
no doubt cheaper than the cost of employing a crane for tree removal.
Beecroft Rotary Preloved Booksop
continue to support the Rotary Preloved Bookshop at its new premises
situated next to the Three Beans Cafe in Beecroft Place.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust. The Trust has for many years fought and lobbied to protect our suburbs.
If you value your Trust and appreciate the work the Trust does to
preserve the amenity and heritage of our two suburbs, please consider
renewing your financial membership.
This can be done on-line at https://bcct2119.com.au/membership.htm Without your valued support, the Trust will cease to exist.
Local Justice of the Peace Timothy
Abrams, a Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust committee member, has
generously offered his services as a Justice of the Peace for any
residents requiring this service.
Tim can be contacted on Mob 0417 662 405
Dr. Penelope Crossley has also generously offered her services.
Penelope is a practising solicitor and is happy to witness documents pro
bono for 2119 residents if Tim is unavailable. Penelope can be
contacted on 0449 232 474.
Epping Civic Trust To view the Epping Civic Trust News Letter CLICK HERE
STEP Walks and Talks STEP
has new Walks and Talks this Month including a talk on Powerful Owls
by Jenny Zvolanek (Project Officer with Birdlife Australia). The
talk will be held this Sunday the 13th May at St Andrews, Vernon Street,
Turramurra. CLICK HERE for more information.
Hornsby Shire Council's May News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
City of Parramatta's May News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Other objections and correspondence with council can be viewed CLICK HERE
Latest Police Reports CLICK HEREfor
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2023 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. We already copy much of our suburbs. We encourage
residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends and
suggest they too subscribe. The eNews letter is available to all
who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always sought to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.